Chinmaya’s GSoC 2017 Summary: Integration with sklearn & Keras and implementing fastText

Chinmaya Pancholi gensim, Google Summer of Code, Student Incubator

This blog summarizes the work that I did for Google Summer of Code 2017 with Gensim. My work during the summer was divided into two parts: integrating Gensim with scikit-learn & Keras and adding a Python implementation of fastText model to Gensim. Gensim integration with scikit-learn and Keras Gensim is a topic modelling and information extraction library which mainly serves unsupervised …

Chinmaya’s Google Summer of Code 2017 Live-Blog : a Chronicle of Integrating Gensim with scikit-learn and Keras

Chinmaya Pancholi gensim, Student Incubator

2nd September, 2017 The final blogpost in the GSoC 2017 series summarising all the work that I did this summer can be found here. 15st August, 2017 During the last two weeks, I had been working primarily on adding a Python implementation of Facebook Research’s Fasttext model to Gensim. I was also simultaneously working on completing the tasks left for adding scikit-learn API for …

Google Summer of Code 2017 – Week 1 of Integrating Gensim with scikit-learn and Keras

Chinmaya Pancholi gensim, Student Incubator

This is my first post as part of Google Summer of Code 2017 working with Gensim. I would be working on the project ‘Gensim integration with scikit-learn and Keras‘ this summer. I stumbled upon Gensim while working on a project which utilized the Word2Vec model. I was looking for a functionality to suggest words semantically similar to the given input word and Gensim’s …